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June 2024

see lower down for services!                                   


Dear Friend

The medieval preaching cross in Ampney Crucis churchyard depicts four figures – one on each face.  One of the figures is St Lawrence.  He was ordered by the Romans to hand over the treasure of his church – he promptly presented the Roman Commander with the poor and dispossessed people associated with the church for, to his mind, these were the real treasures of the church.


As you might expect, the Roman authorities weren’t too amused, and St Lawrence was martyred for this insubordination.


The poem ‘Septuagesima’ by John Betjeman reflects how important ordinary faithful people are in the common life of our church community – and that’s true of many of our community groups too.  Most of these people get little thanks or praise, but they quietly provide great services for us – which often goes unrecognised.


"Let’s praise the man who goes to light,

The church stove on an icy night.

Let’s praise that hard-worked he or she,

The Treasurer of the PCC.

Let’s praise the cleaner of the aisles,

The nave, the candlestick, the tiles.

Let’s praise the organist who tries.

To make the choir increase in size,

Or if that simply cannot be,

Just to improve its quality.

Let’s praise the ringers in the tower,

Who come to ring in cold and shower.

But most of all let’s praise the few,

Who are seen in their accustomed pew,

Throughout the year, whate’er the weather,

That they may worship God together.

These, like the fire of glowing coals,

Strike warmth into each other’s souls.

And though they be but two or three,

They keep the church for you and me."


As I read this poem I see different people’s faces in my mind’s eye – both people here today and those from the past.


Thank you to all who work to support our little rural churches – you are real treasures, and we are all richer because of you.


As ever -  John


Services and Events in June, July and August 2024

Sunday 2nd June        1st Sunday after Trinity

  8am                            Holy Communion                                      Ampney Crucis

10am                            Parish Communion                                   Down Ampney

10am                            Word and Worship                                   Harnhill

  6pm                           Evensong                                                   Ampney St Mary


Wednesday 5th June   Eve of D-Day – 80th Anniversary

7.30pm                          Commemorative Event                          The Old Airfield, Down Ampney

                                                                                                        Tickets SOLD OUT


Saturday 8th June       Gregory Stewart in Concert

7.30pm                         Light Classical and                                   Down Ampney Church

                                     Songs from the Shows                             Tickets £12 from Ticket Source


Sunday 9th June          2nd Sunday after Trinity

  8am                             Holy Communion                                     Poulton

10am                             Parish Communion                                   Driffield

10am                             Word and Worship                                   Harnhill


Sunday 16th June        3rd Sunday after Trinity

8am                               Holy Communion                                     Ampney St Peter

10am                             Parish Communion                                   Ampney Crucis

10am                             Word and Worship                                   Harnhill


Sunday 23rd June        4th Sunday after Trinity

  8am                             Holy Communion                                     Harnhill

10am                             Parish Communion                                  Poulton

10am                             Word and Worship                                  Harnhill


Sunday 30th June        St Peter's Day (Transferred)

10am                             Parish Communion                                 Ampney St Peter


Saturday 6th July

2.30pm                         Wedding of Florence & Charlie            Down Ampney


Sunday 7th July            6th Sunday after Trinity

  8am                             Holy Communion                                 Ampney Crucis

10am                             Parish Communion                              Down Ampney

10am                             Word and Worship                               Harnhill

  6pm                            Evensong                                               Ampney St Mary


Sunday 14th July         7th Sunday after Trinity

  8am                            Holy Communion                                  Poulton

10am                            Parish Communion                               Driffield

10am                            Word and Worship                               Harnhill


Wednesday 17th July

9.30am                       School Leavers’ Service                         Ampney Crucis


Sunday 21st July         8th Sunday after Trinity

                                     Royal International Air Show Weekend

  8am                            Holy Communion                                 Ampney St Peter

10am                            Parish Communion                              Ampney Crucis

10am                            Word and Worship                              Harnhill

Noon                           75th Anniversary Service

                                    for the WRAF                                        Down Ampney


Sunday 28th July        9th Sunday after Trinity

  8am                            Holy Communion                               Harnhill

10am                            Parish Communion                             Poulton

10am                            Word and Worship                             Harnhill

Noon                           Baptism                                                Down Ampney


Thursday 1st August   Lammas Day

                                     Bishop’s Visit to the Cirencester Deanery

7.30pm                        Confirmation Service                          Ampney St Peter


Sunday 4th August      10th Sunday after Trinity

  8am                             Holy Communion                              Ampney Crucis

10am                             Parish Communion                           Down Ampney

10am                             Word and Worship                            Harnhill

  6pm                            Evensong                                            Ampney St Mary


Sunday 11th August   11th Sunday after Trinity

  8am                            Holy Communion                                Poulton

10am                            Parish Communion                             Driffield

10am                            Word and Worship                             Harnhill


Sunday 18th August    12th Sunday after Trinity

8am                               Holy Communion                              Ampney St Peter

10am                             Parish Communion                            Ampney Crucis

10am                             Word and Worship                            Harnhill


Sunday 25th August    13th Sunday after Trinity

  8am                             Holy Communion                              Harnhill

10am                             Parish Communion                           Poulton

10am                             Word and Worship                           Harnhill


Sunday 1st September 14th Sunday after Trinity

  8am                               Holy Communion                           Ampney Crucis

10am                               Parish Communion                        Down Ampney

10am                               Word and Worship                        Harnhill

  6pm                              Evensong                                        Ampney St Mary

























19th – 21st April            BibLit – The Bibury Literature Festival

                                    St Mary’s Church, Bibury, GL7 5NR

                                    Hear and meet authors talk about their books –

                                    Andrew Gimson, Caroline Montague, Sally Page, 

                                    Robert Hardman and more….



Please do get in touch with the Rector - John Swanton - for more information.

01285 851309

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