Please see articles below about what's happening in and around our churches
The photo to the left was taken at St Michael and All Angels Church, Harnhill (see item below!)
News from the Parishes
Rector to Retire at Easter 2025
The Reverend Canon John Swanton has been in the South Cotswolds Team Ministry for nearly 14 years and on Sunday 5th January (his birthday!) he announced his intention to retire. John's last Sunday Service will be on Easter Day - 20th April. He and Nicola have felt privileged to serve in these parishes and leaving will be a wrench, but they are now looking for some time and space to pursue some different interests, explore this country and catch up with family and friends.
Conservation of the 1874 Walkers Organ at All Saints', Down Ampney
Funds are being raised to save the lovely Victorian organ at Down Ampney. The organ needs to be overhauled, cleaned, the bellows re-leathered and the parts replaced and the instrument tuned. We are grateful to local people for making donations and to the William A Cadbury Charitable Trust, Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust, The Julia Rausing Trust, Church Buildings Council/Church Care Trust and Westminster Abbey (where RVWs ashes are interred) for grant funding. The Ralph Vaughan Williams Society and its membership have been very kind too. At 10th December 2024 we have nearly reached our target. We hope to begin works in July 2025.
Stained Glass and Clear Glass Windows at Holy Rood Church, Ampney Crucis
The PCC commissioned a report on the windows at Ampney Crucis in 2023. We are currently seeking a Faculty for the conservation works proposed. A copy of the report is available in the church and at The Rectory. If you would like to see it please do let the Rector know. The windows at Ampney Crucis Church are ancient and lovely and we are working to keep them in good order for the next century. We hope to start conservation repairs in February 2025.
Major Re-roofing Project - St Michael and All Angels Church, Harnhill
Plans being put together to save the Medieval Church for future generations
The PCC of Harnhill and Driffield have secured a 'Faculty' - ecclesiastical planning permission - to undertake a major conservation repair project at Harnhill Church. Proposals include replacing a decaying structural beam in the tower (which is now un-sound); conservation repairs to the medieval bell frame and bells, so they can be chimed once again; re-roofing of the Tower, Porch, Nave and Chancel.
Plans, specifications, a Statement of Significance and Needs and other information is readily available from the Rector. We have mountains of information!​
We have secured the permission to do the works, we are still trying to raise the funds, which is a real challenge.
This wonderful little gem of a church holds weekly services on a Sunday at 10am and on a Wednesday evening at 8.30pm - for a quiet service of Compline or Taize.